Welcome to 2024-2025 Season

Can you feel it? It’s just around the corner. It’s the 2024-2025 Basetball Season!!! Now’s the time to start getting ready for it. Check your bag, throw out any old jerseys, try on the pants and see how they fit, and let’s start getting in shape. The leadership group has been busy this summer getting ready. Take a minute to read through this message in it’s entirety.

Meetings will start on 10/28/2024 @ 6:30pm. We will have a location nailed down for you in the next month but the majority will be in person. 

October 28. November 4, 11 (Zoom), 18, 25. December 2, 9, 16. January 6, 27. February 3, 10.

There were tons of changes at NMOA/NMAA which forced us to adjust and address items in our by-laws. You can view the old by-laws and the proposed by-laws on the www.aboaref.com website. Simply hover over the ‘News’ section and you’ll see both of them listed. Take some time to review the changes which we will discuss on 10/28 so we can vote on them. 

We want to come up with a motto for the 2024-2025 season. Please send us your thoughts on a motto so we can vote on it in the coming weeks. You can email them to me or to Daniel Apodaca. We will accept mottos for the next couple of weeks.

Dues for this year are $30 per official and are due by the 1st meeting in December. 

Future Veterans, those referees in their first to third year, will start meeting earlier. We’re trying to find a gym to meet and provide on court instruction. 

Finally, if you haven’t completed your registration with NMAA, please do so. Also, encourage a friend to join the ABOA this year. We will continue to pay for the uniform for first time basketball officials. It’s not that we lack officials it’s that we lack those with availability. Keep an eye on your email as we’ll start sending communications every coupld weeks. 

Thank you!