Scrimmages 11/23/2024

Highland 9am to 3pm

Los Lunas 9am to 3pm

Jemez Valley

Bernalillo 8am to 2pm

Atrisco Heritage 11am to 6pm

Eldorado 9am to 3pm

Moriarty High 9am to 3pm

Academy 1pm to 3pm

Sandia Prep 1pm to 3pm

11/11/2024 Zoom Meeting

We have 3 names for the open 3 of 3 Supervisory position. We will see if any other names come in this week and then take a vote on 11/18/2024.

We haven’t received any feedback on the by-law updates. You can find both the new proposed revision and the old if you hover over the News section of the website.

Sign up forms for scrimmages will be sent by Tuesday evening. So far we have:

  • Albuquerque Academy
  • Bernalillo
  • Eldorado
  • Atrisco Heritage
  • Sandia Prep
  • Los Lunas High School

Link to folders of plays we viewed can be accessed by clicking HERE.

11/4/2024 Meeting

If you’re a Future Vet and you want access to RepReps, please let us know. You can learn more about them by clicking HERE.

Link to video for Faking Being Fouled.

Link to the PPT we covered last night with rule info:

Other Items that came up for Middle School games:

  1. Mercy rule is the same as high school. Once a team is up by 35 points then, in the second half, the clock will continue to run EXCEPT for on time outs.
  2. A team can continue to press throughout the game regardless of score.

Welcome to 2024-2025 Season

Can you feel it? It’s just around the corner. It’s the 2024-2025 Basetball Season!!! Now’s the time to start getting ready for it. Check your bag, throw out any old jerseys, try on the pants and see how they fit, and let’s start getting in shape. The leadership group has been busy this summer getting ready. Take a minute to read through this message in it’s entirety.

Meetings will start on 10/28/2024 @ 6:30pm. We will have a location nailed down for you in the next month but the majority will be in person. 

October 28. November 4, 11 (Zoom), 18, 25. December 2, 9, 16. January 6, 27. February 3, 10.

There were tons of changes at NMOA/NMAA which forced us to adjust and address items in our by-laws. You can view the old by-laws and the proposed by-laws on the website. Simply hover over the ‘News’ section and you’ll see both of them listed. Take some time to review the changes which we will discuss on 10/28 so we can vote on them. 

We want to come up with a motto for the 2024-2025 season. Please send us your thoughts on a motto so we can vote on it in the coming weeks. You can email them to me or to Daniel Apodaca. We will accept mottos for the next couple of weeks.

Dues for this year are $30 per official and are due by the 1st meeting in December. 

Future Veterans, those referees in their first to third year, will start meeting earlier. We’re trying to find a gym to meet and provide on court instruction. 

Finally, if you haven’t completed your registration with NMAA, please do so. Also, encourage a friend to join the ABOA this year. We will continue to pay for the uniform for first time basketball officials. It’s not that we lack officials it’s that we lack those with availability. Keep an eye on your email as we’ll start sending communications every coupld weeks. 

Thank you!

2020 NMOA State Clinic

***Note from NMAA Commissioner***

As was previously announced, the 2020 NMOA State Clinic for basketball, football and volleyball was cancelled due to facility restrictions in line with the COVID-19 pandemic.  As such, this clinic will be held online this year and is FREE OF CHARGE for attendees.  The online clinic will be held on the weekend the clinic was originally scheduled (July 17-18, 2020) but all sessions will be offered virtually.

Officials MUST register online for these sessions no later than Wednesday, July 1, 2020 and attendance will be tracked based upon your registration and sign-in to the clinics.  Below please find the times, dates and registration links for all sessions being offered:


Saturday, July 18, 2020 – 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Basketball Rules Changes and Points of Emphasis

Saturday, July 18, 2020 – 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM

Basketball General Session #1

Saturday, July 18, 2020 – 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Basketball General Session #2